jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2012


Posted by: J.M Rodríguez

Today I bring you some useful expressions in Jamaican English that will help you if you visit the island sometime.
For example, if we want to ask somebody where was he born, we will say: “A weh ya baan?” And if they invite us to go somewhere and we don’t want to go we only have to say “Mi no go deh”.

Another curious expression is the one used instead of see you tomorrow: “See you inna di lights”

Now imagine  that you fall in love with a Jamaican girl and you want to impress her. You have to kneel down, put your hand in your heart and say: Mi lub yu kyaan done. (My love for you can’t end.) Maybe your Jamaican friends will told you “She a put Obeah pon ya” (She cast a spell on you) but she will want to marry you.

Another useful sentence is “Di teif a teif mi tings.” That means that a thief has stole your things. I hope you won’t need to use that one, but you never know.
To say that something is expensive we will use: “Dat cost dear”

Another useful sentences:
Yu a come wit wi? (Are you coming with us?)
Tek mi a mi yaad. (Take me home.)
Rodriguez a mi lass name, zeen. (Rodriguez is my last name, you see.)
Tap drive faas. (Stop driving fast).
 Fram when mi a pickney mi a dweet. (I have been doing it since I was a kid).
Mi get fi realize. (I realize or I have realized.)
Ease up uno self. (Relax yourselves.)
Wi gwaan hab a bashment time. (We are going to have a great time.)

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